By Debbie April 28, 2021 In Business, Graphic Recording, Webinar, Workshops


3 GREAT reasons to invest in a graphic recorder at your next workshop

Obviously I love what I do to the moon and back, and clearly I want you to invest in a graphic recorder because I have bills to pay, but that aside, I think I’ve got three great reasons here that you all need to hear (and share with the person who is signing off on my proposal).

  1. Graphic recording brings meetings to life.
  2. Graphic recording helps participants retain the detail.
  3. Graphic recording lets people SEE that they are heard.

Graphic recording brings meetings to life.

When you’re investing in a workshop by getting a bunch of amazing brains in a room or zoom – you simply must value their time and contribution. How often do people walk away from a meeting and think “Well, I’m not sure we achieved anything there…” or, “Geez, that was a waste of my time…”

By having a visual capture happening in real time during a meeting – everyone can enjoy the visual story, their neurons will be all sparkly and full of energy, they’ll see connections that may not have been obvious had just a single person been taking notes off to one side, and it will make it more FUN. I talk more about that in my post here.

Graphic recording helps participants retain the detail.

Confucius himself has been quoted as saying:
“What I hear, I forget.
What I see, I remember.
What I do, I understand.”

I wasn’t there at the time, but the internet tells me this is definitely true.

There have been studies that show our retention of facts just 3 days after listening only is about 10%. Add some gorgeous visuals to those facts and it increases to a whopping 65%. Check it out here.

Graphic recording lets people SEE that they are heard.

When you’ve got a room full of personalities, and you’re asking people to contribute, graphic recording truly comes into its own. When that generally quiet and thoughtful soul off to the side says something, and then sees it captured on the canvas – they’ll know that we are all listening. That their thoughts are valued. This wonderful thing also works in in the inverse too – it ensures that the Inappropriate Ian and the Bossy Barbara mind their manners for fear that their vocalisings will be captured as evidence of their tirades.

Also – it’s just incredibly cool. People will be wowed. You’re adding value to their lives and creative joy to their day!

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In short

Deb creates entertaining & engaging visuals in real time during workshops, conferences and events. When onsite, she does not bring her dog, and he’s not happy about that.

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